Madison Maintains Aaa Bond Rating 51 Years in a Row
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~ Madison, WI - In a recent announcement, Moody's Investor Service has reaffirmed Madison's Aaa bond rating with a stable outlook. This prestigious rating is the highest possible and is a testament to the city's strong and diverse economy. The City of Madison has maintained this triple-A rating on its general obligation debt since 1973.

According to Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway, this rating is crucial in keeping borrowing costs low and ultimately saving taxpayer money in the long run. It also plays a vital role in the city's efforts to invest in core infrastructure and maintain the quality of life for its residents while promoting a stable economy. As the city works towards developing a sustainable budget plan for the future, maintaining this top credit rating remains a top priority.

One of Madison's greatest strengths is its large and diverse tax base, which serves as an economic hub for the region. Additionally, prudent management has led to a consistently strong financial position for the city. However, there are some credit challenges that must be considered, such as state-imposed property tax limits.

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Moody's also identified potential factors that could lead to a downgrade in Madison's credit rating, including a significant decrease in available fund balance. However, based on their analytic framework, the city has low exposure to environmental, social, and governance risks that could negatively impact its credit ratings.

The credit agency specifically cited several key reasons for maintaining Madison's Aaa bond rating. These include the city's Sustainability Plan, high health insurance coverage rate among residents, favorable demographics and educational attainment levels, access to basic services, conservative budgetary approach, multi-year capital planning efforts, and adherence to formal fund balance policies.

Overall, Moody's reaffirmation of Madison's Aaa bond rating reflects confidence in the city's financial stability and responsible management practices. As Mayor Rhodes-Conway stated: "No short-term benefit is worth jeopardizing our City's long history of fiscal prudence."

Filed Under: Government, City

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