Madison: Understanding Your Water Utility: D7 Virtual Lunch and Learn with Water Utility General Manager Krishna Kumar
Wisconsin Eagle/10292911

~ Madison, WI - As the new year approaches, Alder Nasra Wehelie is starting off 2025 with a virtual lunch and learn event featuring Water Utility General Manager Krishna Kumar. The event will take place on Thursday, January 23 from 12 to 1 p.m. and will focus on the Madison Customer Assistance Program (MadCAP) and other water quality programs implemented by the city.

The MadCAP was established to provide relief to low-income residents in Madison, similar to programs offered by energy companies. This initiative aims to make living in Madison more affordable for those with low household incomes.

Water utilities play a crucial role in public health, environmental preservation, sustainability, economic development, and overall community well-being. This lunch and learn event will provide an opportunity for residents to learn more about the challenges and opportunities surrounding Madison's Water Utility.

Kumar joined the City of Madison as its Water Utility General Manager in June 2021. He brings with him years of experience as a general manager for water utilities in northern California, including the Marin Municipal Water Utility and the Valley of the Moon Water District.

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Attendees will have the chance to ask questions or provide feedback during a Q&A session at the end of the event. They can submit their questions in advance to Lorissa Banuelos, Community Engagement Strategist, by emailing with "January 23 Lunch and Learn question" in the subject line.

This virtual event is free and open to all residents. To attend, registration is required at After registering, attendees will receive login information for Zoom or can join via telephone.

The details for this event are as follows:

- Date: Thursday, January 23

- Time: 12:00 – 1:00 PM

- Location: Virtual via Zoom or telephone

- Registration: Please register in advance at

For more information, residents can contact Alder Nasra Wehelie by email at or by phone at (608) 571-4919. They can also reach out to the Common Council Office by email at or by phone at (608) 266-4071.

This lunch and learn event is a great opportunity for residents to learn more about the important work being done by the City of Madison's Water Utility and how it impacts their daily lives. Don't miss out on this informative and engaging event. Register now!

Filed Under: Government, City

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